Social Media Steps
- From the main screen, click on the share button which is the 2nd button on the bottom
- This pulls up your QR code. TAKE A SCREEN SHOT of your QR code
- Click View Fundraiser. This is your actual donation page. At the bottom click the paper with the arrow through it. Click copy. Now you can paste your donation link into any future message or social media post.
- This is used for when you see people who you did not have contact info for and for the adults to print out and hang up around work
- Click the blue share fundraiser button to pull up social media apps
- Facebook and Twitter work the same way. Simply click on the icon, edit your post and hit post. It’s done. FB has been kicking messages posted this way back. If it happens post to FB just like Snapchat and IG
- Snapchat and Instagram only allow DM’s. So you must create your own post using the screenshot of your QR code. You can also go to one of the text messages you sent and copy your link to add to the post as well.
- Use the snap and IG DM option to send the link directly to all those random people you don’t know and here is why: If everyone in your family DM’s every random social media contact that follows them that could potentially be hundreds more people that get your link. Also you don’t know them so your not expecting anything from them already, if they get mad at you YOU DON’T KNOW THEM, and finally if they block or unfollow you YOU DON’T KNOW THEM.